Nutrition Impact Of Alcohol Questions Paper


1 original post (About 300 words), and 2 replies (about 150 words) for each are need.

Alcohol is very toxic to all cells of the body, equal to or more damaging to certain types of cells than even some very potent drugs, reaches your brain in about a minute and is converted pretty much to visceral fat in your body. Chronic use of alcohol will cause an increase in fatty acid synthesis in the body. Read Focus 1 and watch the following videos for your discussion responses/comments.

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Impact of Alcohol


Below is a September, 2016 interview between Elizabeth Vargas with Diane Sawyer, whom she discusses her addiction to alcohol in these two parts (total time: 13 min)


Here are video links as well two articles:

  • (3:00); binge drinking in words
  • (5:45); College Girl’s Tweets from Jail Become

Answer the following first question in addition to at least one (or more) of any of the other items for discussion; support any evidential information with a reliable Internet source: Nutrition Impact Of Alcohol Questions Paper

  • Did you find any video, such as the Elizabeth Vargas interview or any other link make more of an impact on this topic?
  • Is there anything that you learned that perhaps you didn’t already know?
  • Does viewing/reading any of this information change your own approach to alcohol?
  • Do you think that banning the production of an alcoholic beverage that contains an energy drink, potentially masking to that you are drunk should be stopped?
  • Do you think labeling an alcoholic product with regard to calories, ingredients and alcoholic content per serving will make a difference to those that purchase it?;
  • What role do you think government should play in the advertising of alcohol (on television, to younger viewers, etc.)? Did watching the movie (in the list of items to do), relevant even though it was from 2006, have any real impact?
  • Looking at the articles, what are your thoughts on whether alcohol should require labels? (this is an on-again, off-again debate):; Nutrition Impact Of Alcohol Questions Paper